December 6

5 Busy Mom Workout Tips for the Beginner


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5 Busy Mom Workout Tips for the Beginner

As moms, we're all pressed for time. This is why I developed this list, 5 Busy Mom Workout Tips for the Beginner. Energy can be severely lacking, especially when our kids are little. This, however, is why we need to focus on our own health and fitness even more so to be able to have the stamina to keep up with the daily demands of caring for our children.  

So, what's a busy mom to do? The gym is usually the first stop, but what if you don't have the time or the funds for such an “extravagance”? What if purchasing equipment is out of the question? Here are 5 Busy Mom Workout Tips for the Beginner that you can do at home…you know, in between diaper changes and keeping kids out of the dryer.

Tip 1: Use Your Furniture!

Dining room chairs, the couch, a low coffee table… All of these can assist with squats and other exercises where you need stability. As a newbie (especially postpartum), it's important to take it slow and use a means of stabilization until you're comfortable and able to balance.

Tip 2: Carve Out Time Where You Can

You don't have to set aside an hour, or even a half hour, all in one block. Anyone with kids knows that unless they're in school, this is virtually impossible. Ten minutes in the morning before they get up, ten minutes during nap time, ten minutes after bed time. Find ten minutes a few times per day and do something simple.

Tip 3: You Don't Need Equipment!

Exercise equipment like weights and yoga mats can become a large expense. If you want weights, fill gallon jugs with water (preferably with a screw-on cap). A gallon jug of water weighs approximately 8 lbs. Fill to the desired amount (or use half gallon jugs for less weight). A thick towel can double as a yoga mat. Even a small child can be useful for weight training!

And speaking of children…

Tip 4: Involve Your Kids!

You're never too young to start engaging in a physical fitness routine. Involve your little ones. Lay on your back and lift your baby. Make it a game. Ten reps, up and down. I guarantee your little one will love it! Do lower leg lifts while sitting…with your child on your lower legs. The added weight will increase strength, and it's a fun ride! Put on some music and have a dance-off with your older kids. Get your hearts pumping and have some fun!

Tip 5: Use Your Stroller!

There are amazing exercises that you can do while on a walk with your little one. A quick internet search provides loads of options and workout routines. Stroller exercises serve a multifaceted purpose. You're getting a workout (of course), you're getting out of the house (which fends off depression and helps with the baby blues), and your baby is getting their fill of outdoor time which can help with naps and crankiness.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure you always start with a warm-up and stay hydrated. Remember, fitness isn't a quick fix, but a lifestyle. Slow and steady, and enjoy the journey! I hope you enjoyed the list of  5 Busy Mom Workout Tips for the Beginner.

I also recommend using Youtube for videos. I use my chromecast to display on my t.v. My favorites are Zumba and Yoga. It is perfect for rainy days or if you are busy. We all deserve 40 minutes to take care of ourselves and you can pause the videos if you have to!


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