November 8

Easy to Make Turkey Brownie

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Easy to Make Turkey Brownie – a fun dessert that the kiddos can help make!
When my girls were little, I was always looking for a ways that they could help in the kitchen and if it looked like a craft – double the fun! I like to stock up on brownie mixes when they are on sale because who doesn't like brownies, right? This easy to make turkey brownie is the perfect fun craft for the children to help and they'll love to eat it afterwards!
Even the bigger kids and adults love these cute brownies!

What you need

Your favorite brownie mix
+ ingredients from box, usually eggs & oil!
Miniature peanut butter cups
Fall colored M&Ms (or chocolate candies)
Candy eyes
Candy Corn
Icing – any variety, for sticking candies to brownies


Prepare your brownies according to the instructions on the box
Once the brownies have cooled, cut them into 3 inch circles. I used a smaller child's cup to get my circles!
Add a little icing to the back of a peanut butter cup to add the turkey body
Next, add candy eyes and a red chocolate candy for the beak/gobbler
Finally, add 4-5 candy corn to make the turkey feathers


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