January 15

A social network that offers corporate wellness programs that truly WORK


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This post brought to you by Cafe Well. All opinions are 100% mine.

Imagine this – a corporate wellness program called Race to the Moon that aims to get members more fit and active by walking or running through offering free wireless pedometers which tracks their steps and rewards them for milestones and total steps. AND the program actually works and gets their members more active! Many companies offer wellness programs, but do these programs really work? Race to the Moon does. In just under a month, the program has participants who have walked over 50 MILLION steps, and average 2.5 million steps a day. 

Here’s what participants are saying:

“This race has opened my eyes to my second chance. This is where we turn things around. This is where we get off the couch, go outside, and enjoy life. I always say we do puzzles and board games as a family because it's cheap, but taking a walk with my daughter is free. So, starting tomorrow we are going to take a walk after dinner. Then the next day, and the next day, and the next.”

“Because of the actiped, I walk up and down all the steps at work. Elevator? What is that now?”

“The program has finally gotten me on the treadmill to attempt running; I’m trying!”

Why the success? Hosted by the social network Cafe Welland sponsored by HealthAmerica, Race to the Moon represents a new breed of wellness program that is more fun, more rewarding and more effective for consumers because it leverages the power and support of social networking with incentives and fun. Social networking has become a powerful channel that the healthcare industry is just beginning to understand how to leverage. Race to the Moon represents pioneering work by HealthAmerica and their partnership with Café Well will continue to achieve new levels in wellness promotion and management. You must be member of Health America and signup for Cafe Well to participate.

Race to the Moon is a program that is about more than just health, this wellness program is more FUN and more REWARDING and you have to discover it yourself! With this kind of program, who couldn't resist joining?

I think the concept of this sounds AWESOME! Sometimes we need some extra support to get healthy. My healthy challenge would be to eat healthy food. I do eat healthy in general but I'm finding it SO hard to get back to it after the holidays. Want to learn more? Visit the sponsor and get extra help getting healthy.

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