November 22

Frozen Inspired Melted Candy Cane Ornament


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FrozencandycaneornFrozen Inspired Melted Candy Cane Ornament

Do your kids love Frozen? Or do you just like snow flakes?

Are you ready to make some Frozen inspired magic happen in your kitchen? Then why not give these Frozen inspired melted candy cane ornaments a try? These ornaments are a cinch to make, and when you are done you are free to display them or even nibble on them.

Here is how you can get started!

Supplies needed:032

Blue and white candy canes (Dollar Tree)

Metal cookie mold

Ribbon for hanging

Frosting or glue


1. Begin by breaking your candy canes into smaller pieces. Chunks that are about 1/3 of an inch in length are ideal.

2. There is no need to spray or grease your pan. Just drop the candy bits into each compartment until they are about ½ full.

3. Place in an oven that has been preheated to 350 degrees. Let the tray heat for 10-12 minutes or until the candy turns to liquid.

0354. Remove the tray and allow it to cool. Then, transfer it to the freezer for 5 minutes.

5. Remove the tray and turn it over gently to remove the candies. You can also use the tip of a knife to ease it out. Now, add the hanger to your ornaments. If you are only using yours for display, go ahead and glue your length of ribbon on. If you want to eat them, use a dab of frosting to attach it.036

These Frozen inspired melted candy cane ornaments are so easy to make and even easier to enjoy. Gather your supplies and give them a try in your own kitchen!

Looking for more Frozen fun? Check out our Frozen Inspired Chocolate Wands recipe





Christmas, frozen, Frozen craft, homemade ornaments

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  1. I love this idea! This is the color I am using to decorate my tree this tear. I will have to see if I can find this color of candy canes.

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