December 21

Winter Wonderland Gift Guide -Night Sea Journey, A Tale of the Supernatural


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7114Nnj08mL._SL1500_A demon haunts artist Kip Livingston in her cottage by the sea. The demon is a firehawk, a dark invader who lives inside her dreams. But the firehawk does not dissolve when Kips wakes up. Supernatural powers drive the firehawk into Kip's waking life. Even Kip's Jungian therapist, Dr. Laz Merlyn, cannot resolve Kip's dilemma. When Kip turns to Raymond Kera, an exiled priest, she captures him with her beauty and charm. Raymond soon discovers that Kip's night sea journeys are a descent into a land beyond consciousness. He is compelled to enter her ghostly world. Can Raymond rescue Kip from this demon? Or will Kip pay the ultimate price? Together, Kip and Raymond enter into what Carl Jung calls descensus ad inferos-a descent into Hades.

From the award-winning author of The Dazzling Darkness, this supernatural thriller is a fast-paced read with angels and demons, psychological twists, romance, and murder.

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San Francisco Book Review

Night Sea Journey is like reading a Dan Brown book with a wicked twist: it has real demons. Readers will be taken on a continual thrill ride. Excellent and impossible to put down. A fast-paced thriller where reality is blurred and faith is tested, guaranteeing to keep you enthralled until the very last word.

Paula Cappa's novels include Night Sea Journey, A Tale of the Supernatural, and The Dazzling Darkness (Gothic Readers Award Winner for Outstanding Fiction and Readers' Favorite Bronze Medal Award), published by Crispin Books. Her short fiction has appeared in Dark Gothic Resurrected, Whistling Shade Literary Journal, SmokeLong Quarterly, Every Day Fiction, Fiction365, Sirens Ezine, Twilight Times Ezine, and in anthologies Journals of Horror:Found Fiction; Mystery Time; Human Writes Literary Journal. Cappa's writing career began as a freelance journalist for newspapers in New York and Connecticut. She writes a weekly blog, Reading Fiction, Tales of Terror. Visit her web site at


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